Got it installed it yesterday on the main switchboard so I get a better understanding of time of day power consumption so I can shop around for a better tariff. Make sure that you have a breaker installed between the mains and the UA/UB/UC inputs (the instructions are ambiguous about this) At this stage I've connected it to the IAMeter cloud but will look at a local solution plus integration into Home Assistant etc this week.
|11/4/2023 10:33 PM
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Dokładny i intuicyjny
W kilku słowach: super sprawa. Bardzo duża funkcjonalność i możliwości.
|2/23/2023 1:18 PM
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Good product with good support - WEM3080T-150A
I use WEM3080T in a 1Phase- Solar system. It was very easy to install, the configuration was easy as well. All my questions were answered with 24 hours turnaround time (including weekends..), Considering 7 hours timezone difference this is the best support I have every seen. The product knows what was promised, what else could you wish..? :-)
Gabor|2/1/2023 8:02 PM
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Świetny licznik
Prosta instalacja i bardzo dużo możliwości analiz. Wysoka dokładność pomiaru, praktycznie zgodna z wartościami dostawcy prądu.
Maciej|11/28/2022 2:35 PM
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Easy monitoring
WEM3080T-150A is super easy energy monitoring system. I use it for supervising my new heat pump. Think about adding 2 next such devices for global energy consumption with my PV system
Marek|9/25/2022 10:57 PM
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Excellent product
Easy to install and use. Cloud app is very good and there is a lot of information. I will order again.